You should seek legal guidance and representation after any type of motorcycle accident. A motorcycle accident lawyer in Calgary will ensure you receive full motorbike injury compensation and you’re not taken advantage of by insurance companies. We will also help determine the liability of other parties involved and take legal action if necessary.

You should consult one of your lawyers if the accident occurred outside of Alberta. Jurisdictions outside of Alberta have different claim filing and reporting dates. If you miss the certain timelines, you can lose your right to make a claim. We provide support for clients throughout Alberta, BC, Ontario, and the United States.

If you are the motorcycle operator or passenger involved in the accident, you are eligible to receive Section B no-fault benefits from your insurance company. If another vehicle has struck you, you are eligible to receive Section B no-fault benefits from their insurance company. You can obtain “no-fault” benefits regardless of who was responsible for the accident.

The benefits in Section B include up to $400/week for lost income for up to two years if the accident caused you to be disabled. You must have worked at least six months before the accident or were employed at the time of the accident. The benefits will also provide up to $50 000 for medical treatments and services required within two years if your insurance does not cover it.

An experienced motorcycle accident lawyer in Calgary has the knowledge to resolve cases when:

  • the vehicle driver claims the motorcyclist was speeding or wasn’t visible
  • experts are needed to analyze the evidence
  • establishing fault is difficult
  • insurance companies are not giving you fair treatment.